The Toole County Library is a pleasant and educational facility to meet your reading needs. The library offers and Inter-Library Loan service whereby it can borrow books from other libraries around the state, or in some cases, other states. . .Throughout the school year, the library offers a weekly story hour for preschoolers at 10:00am, Fridays. Youngsters who attend are thrilled with the excitement and thrills that come from the pages of the books as they're read to by volunteers. In the summer they have a reading program for school children.The Library has an Indian artifact collection, featuring an extensive arrowhead display as well as tobacco pipes, skull-crackers and miscellaneous odds and ends. Free tours for schools and groups are provided any time.
Directions: The Toole County Library is located at 229 Maple Avenue in Shelby.
Toole County Library 229 Maple Avenue, Shelby, MT 59474
- Storytelling
- Childrens Activities