Consisting of all the ingredients for a real vacation, Circle Inn has accommodations to please even the most discriminating guest, including smoking and non-smoking rooms, two-bed units with queen and double beds, some kitchenettes, cable TV, HBO, air conditioning, laundry room and your pets are welcome. Circle Inn Motel offers smoking or non-smoking rooms, HBO, air conditioning, microwaves and small refrigerators in each room, laundry room and plenty of parking. Quiet, clean rooms with coffee, tea or cocoa at all times. Regardless of the length of stay, you'll be sure to enjoy yourself more at their comfortable, newly remodeled, well managed facility. When you come to Havre to shop or come on business, stay over a night or two and relax. The owners want you to know that you're always welcome here!
Directions: The Circle Inn Motel is approximately 1-1/2 miles East of Havre, Montana on US Highway #2.
Surrounded by wide open spaces with a beautiful view of the Bears Paw Mountains. Plenty of space to roam, and enjoy the peace and quiet, with a touch of old fashioned hospitality.
Circle Inn Motel 3565 US Highway 2 East, Havre, MT 59501
- Barbecue
- Hiking
- Photography
- Non-smoking
- Pets Allowed
- Air Conditioning
- Corporate Rate
- Information
- Kitchen
- Laundry
- Non-smoking Rooms
- Parking