Experience a German masterbrew from the only German microbrewery in the Rockies! Bayern Brewing brews strictly according to the German Law of Purity of 1516 (Reinheitsgebot). That means no berries, adjuncts, artificial carbonation, pasteurization, or other strange ingredients are used in the process. Just malted barley, yeast, hops, water and the experience of a German Masterbrewer .Bayern Brewery is dedicated to produce the finest quality Lager-Beers anywhere, with the accents set on uncompromised quality and not quantity or extensive marketing. ALL Bayern Beers are fully matured; a process that takes up to four times as long as conventional Ales and at least twice as long as mass-produced domestic lagers. Instead of capacity for quantities Bayern brews exclusively for the state of Montana and employs the most sophisticated equipment to produce quality standards, unmatched in the microbrewing industry. Enjoy our Beer specials and look forward to our Seasonal Brews as they occur throughout the season!. .Find out why real lager beer brewed to German standards speaks for itself! Bayern Brewery is located in beautiful Missoula, Montana, but you can find Bayern Beers throughout Montana. And of course, if you have questions, you may write, call, or email us!
Directions: Bayern Brewery is located in beautiful Missoula, Montana.
Bayern Brewing Company 1507 Montana Street, Missoula, MT 59801