| Name | City |
| Blackbird Blackbird Fishing Access Site is located 1 mile east of Three Forks on US 10.... | Three Forks |
| Limespur Lime Spur Fishing Access Site is located 17 miles west of Three Forks on State Highway 2, across from Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park.... | Three Forks |
| Milwaukee Fishing Access Milwaukee Fishing Access Site is located 1 1/2 miles east of Three Forks on US Highway 10.... | Three Forks |
| Sappington Bridge Sappington Bridge is located 11 miles west of Three Forks on US Highway 10, then 1 mile south of US Highway 287 to bridge.... | Three Forks |
| Three Forks Ponds Three Forks Ponds Fishing Access Site is located immediately east of Three Forks.... | Three Forks |
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