Bridger was named after one of the first white men to explore Yellowstone Park, Jim Bridger. Bridger scouted many of the trails and knew the mountains well. Bridger guided many people through the area. The area is best known for its farm economy and supports a variety of small businesses, including a furniture manufacturing company and computer software firm.
The Pryor Mountains are located east of Bridger and cover about 300,000 acres. Bridger is the gateway to the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. Drive southeast on US Highway 310 to Lovell, Wyoming, then north on Wyoming Highway 37 to reach Devil's Canyon Overlook. This scenic view of Bighorn Canyon is where the canyon Crosscuts a 1,000-foot-high segment of the fault that makes up the Pryor Mountains. The Pryor Mountains are home to about 130 wild, free-roaming mustangs believed to be descended from a herd that may have arrived as early as the 1700s. Visitors may catch a glimpse of them at the Pryor Mountains National Wild Horse Range, just north of the overlook. This rugged, desert-like country offers hiking, birding, and backcountry driving.
Elevation: 3,680
Bridger is located in southeastern area of Montana, just south of Billings, and 21 miles from the Wyoming state line.